About the meeting series

Goals for these meetings:

  • To reinforce NASA's ongoing interests in Sounding Science
  • To ensure long-term sounder science continuity spanning 2002-2040s
  • To foster collaboration between projects within the domain of sounder science

Topics: We welcome all relevant sounding topics related to Aqua, S-NPP, NOAA-20, JPSS-2+ and Metop-A/B/C sounding instruments from level-0 to level-3 datasets.

Organizers: Sounder Discipline Co-Leads Joao Teixeira (JPL), Vivienne Payne (JPL), and Larrabee Strow (UMBC)

Frequency: Once per month, nominally on the 3rd Wednesday of the month, 10-11 am PT (with some flexibility).

Next meeting

Wednesday, March 15th, 2023, 10-11 am PT.

Webex connection details

Meeting link: https://jpl.webex.com/jpl/j.php?MTID=md61bccd43a54d24bb4bc3a5232709b54

Meeting number: 2764 053 1402

Password: NASAsounder


For those that cannot attend the telecon you can download or review the presentations using the links below.