Guides and Documents for AIRS Data Products

AIRS and CLIMCAPS user guides and related documents and files are served from the NASA Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC).

AIRS user guides you will find on the GES DISC site include:

  • AIRS Overview Guide
  • Level 1 Data User Guides
  • Level 2 (Swath) Data & Level 3 (Gridded) Data Geophysical Products User Guides
  • Test Reports
  • Data Outages
  • Calibration and Channel Properties
  • Pressure Levels & Layers
  • Initial Guess
  • AIRS Data Readers

CLIMCAPS user guides and reports on the GES DISC site include:

  • Science User Guide
  • README Files
  • Test Reports

AIRS & CLIMCAPS user guides at the NASA GES DISC

CLIMCAPS Science Guide

ATBDs: Algorithm Theoretical Basis Documents

ATBDs typically provide the theoretical basis, both the physical theory and the mathematical procedures and possible assumptions being applied, for the calculations that have to be made to convert the radiances received by the instruments to geophysical quantities. The geophysical quantities are then available to the scientific community for studies of the various characteristics of the Earth system.

Algorithm Theoretical Basis Documents (ATBDs) have been developed for EOS instrument products. Some ATBDs address more than one product and some products are addressed by more than one ATBD.

ATBDs for data from the AIRS instrument on Aqua that have been processed with the AIRS retrieval algorithm or processed with the CLIMCAPS retrieval algorithm are served from the NASA Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC).


ATBDs for NASA Earth Observing System instruments