Site map An overview of the available content on this site. Keep the pointer still over an item for a few seconds to get its description. CLIMCAPS Science Guides CLIMCAPS Instrument Configurations List of Retrieved Variables Retrieval Method Algorithm Flowchart Cloud Clearing and Cloud Properties Pressure Levels and Layers Channel subsets for AIRS and CrIS Geophysical Retrieval Products Primary observations and derived variables Carbon Dioxide Methane Temperature Water Vapor Ozone Carbon Monoxide Best Practices in Data Application Quality Control Metrics Averaging Kernels Comparing Radiosondes to CLIMCAPS profiles Comparing CLIMCAPS V2 and AIRS V7 Instruments and Data Overview AIRS on Aqua AIRS Guide Get AIRS Data AIRS Web Site CrIS on Suomi NPP CrIS on JPSS-1 More Resources Get CLIMCAPS Data