Earth and Sky Radio Interviews AIRS Science Team Leader Dr. Moustafa Chahine

AIRS Science Team Leader Mous Chahine was recently interviewed by Beth Lebwohl for Earth & Sky, a short radio program that focuses on science topics. In the interview titled "No area on Earth immune from effects of greenhouse gases", Mous is asked about carbon dioxide and the AIRS mission and instrument.

Earth & Sky currently presents 90-second and 60-second radio spots on a wide variety of scientific topics, communicating through terrestrial radio as well as satellite radio and internet radio. Earth & Sky is aired one or more times daily on more than 1,000 commercial, NPR, and other public radio stations, 80 affiliates stations for the sight-impaired, and across 35 channels on both XM and Sirius satellite radio in the United States. Abroad, the programming is heard on American Forces Radio, Voice of America Radio, World Radio Network, and others. Earth & Sky podcasts, broadcasts and new media products featuring science are now heard and accessed 15 million times a day in 170 countries.

Listen to the Interview

droppedImage_5 JPL's Moustafa Chahine. Image credit: NASA/JPL

"From AIRS we made the discovery...carbon dioxide is not well-mixed."