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The AIRS Obs4MIPs Dataset
The Observations for Model Intercomparisons Project, Obs4MIPs, strives to make observational products more accessible for climate model intercomparisons. The effort uses the same searchable distributed system currently used to serve the rapidly expanding set of simulations made available for community research. The NASA AIRS Obs4MIPs datasets are provided as part of the experimental activity to increase the usability of NASA satellite observational data for the modeling and model analysis communities.
AIRS Obs4MIPs V2 datasets are available on the Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF) web site and include the monthly mean tropospheric air temperature (ta), specific humidity (hus), and relative humidity (hur).
Technical Notes for AIRS Obs4MIPs V2 datasets:
Air Temperature Description
Specific Humidity Description
Relative Humidity Description
Major differences between the AIRS Obs4MIPs V1 and V2 datasets are as follows:
- The AIRS Obs4MIPs V2 hur dataset is a new dataset not previously available in the AIRS Obs4MIPs V1 dataset. The V2 ta and hus datasets are an updated and extended version of the V1 datasets.
- The AIRS Obs4MIPs V2 datasets are based on the AIRS Version 6 Level 3 standard monthly products in the “TqJoint” grids, while the AIRS Obs4MIPs V1 datasets are based on the AIRS Version 5 Level 3 standard monthly products.
- The AIRS Obs4MIPs V2 data are available from September 2002 to September 2016, while the AIRS Obs4MIPs V1 data are available from September 2002 to May 2011.