News | June 7, 2006
AIRS Team Members receive NASA Honor Awards
NASA's most prestigious honor awards are presented to a number of carefully selected individuals and groups of individuals, both government and nongovernment, who have distinguished themselves by making outstanding contributions to the NASA mission. Congratulations to the following AIRS team members.
Dr. John LeMarshall
Director of the NASA-NOAA-DoD Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation
Exceptional Achievement Medal
Dr. John Le Marshall, Director of the NASA-NOAA-DoD Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation was awarded the NASA Exceptional Scientific Achievement Medal in a ceremony held at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena California on Wednesday June 7, 2006. The award to John Le Marshall was presented in recognition of his Innovative use of AIRS hyperspectral data in numerical weather prediction models, demonstrating, for the first time, significant weather forecasting improvement in both hemispheres. This is NASA's highest award in recognition of unusually significant scientific contributions toward achievement of the NASA mission.
Dr. Annmarie Eldering
Deputy Manager of the Earth Atmospheric Science Section, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Exceptional Achievement Medal
Dr. Annmarie Eldering was awarded the NASA Exceptional Achievement Medal in a ceremony held at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena California on Wednesday June 7, 2006. The award was presented in recognition of her Exceptional achievement in combining data from the Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer on Aura and the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder on Aqua to help in elucidating the physics and chemistry of clouds and aerosols in Earth's atmosphere. The NASA Exceptional Achievement Medal recognizes significant, specific accomplishment or contribution clearly characterized by a substantial and significant improvement in operations, efficiency, service, financial savings, science, or technology that contributes to the NASA Mission.
Mr. Paul G. Morse
Director of Engineering for BAE Systems
Public Service Group Achievement Award
Mr. Paul G. Morse, Director of Engineering for BAE Systems was awarded the NASA Public Service Group Achievement Award on behalf of the BAE Systems AIRS Team at a ceremony held at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena California on Wednesday June 7, 2006. The award to BAE SYSTEMS was presented for Recognizing the successful design, development, calibration, and continued successful operation of the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder instrument on board the Aqua satellite. This is NASA's highest award to a group of non-governmental personnel for an outstanding accomplishment while participating in a significant program or project that has contributed substantially to the NASA mission.
Angela Smythe
AIRS Project Secretary
Certificate of Recognition Award
AIRS Project Secretary Angela Smythe was acknowledged for her ten years of service with a Certificate of Recognition awarded to her by AIRS Project Manager Tom Pagano. "Angela's contribution to the AIRS Project is immeasurable. We couldn't do the things we do without her." Other team members echoed these thoughts, adding that Angela's professionalism, enthusiasm, oversight, and her uncanny ability to anticipate have made her an indispensable part of the team. Upon receiving her award, Angela stated "Every day I'm grateful to be working with such a great team. I'm honored to be a part of a group that is working on a mission of such profound significance." The AIRS Project congratulates Angela Smythe, and thanks her for all the years of dedication and service. We're lucky to have her.